Costa Rica Nature Videos

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Americans think that just having a passport is all you need to enter Costa Rica

Well, this is true, and not true.

Don't let this happen to you...

Here is the scenario.

Well, you have decided that you want to start visiting foreign countries and you do all the requirements to obtain your passport.  When your passport arrives, you feel freedom.

"This is my ticket to anywhere"

You start booking your trips and traveling all over the world.  Time flies by while you visit different countries.  During all this traveling your passport gets a little worn down and oh, don't forget the time you went swimming with it.

"Wow I have been many places"

JetBlue has a great deal and you decide to travel to Costa Rica.

"Wow, JetBlue rocks"

When you board your flight in the States, the flight attendant makes the statement "Wow, your passport has been to many countries" and you reply "Yes" and you find your seat.

Upon arriving in Costa Rica you head for Immigration and pull out your worn passport and the agent tells you..

"This translates to No Entry"

You can't believe what you are hearing. You know you got your passport legally and you haven't had any problems in all the other countries, so what's going on here?

You won't be doing this

"This is so much fun"

You will be returning to your country that same day..

Here is the reality.

One can be denied entry into Costa Rica if their passport in not in Good Condition.  If some of your information is not legible
or has been worn away, you can be denied entry.

I know you find this hard to believe, but there have been incidents reported.

"Following this means a great vacation"

Your passport must not expire within 6 months (from date of arrival) 

"Keep the expiration date of your passport marked"


 You may enter Costa Rica without a visa depending on your country of origin.   USA, Canada and most European countries have this privilege.  Check with your authorities before traveling.

So, check out your passport before booking your trip and make sure you have all in order pertaining to the current laws.

Please leave your comments and any experiences you have had while traveling.

Visit Costa Rica with us.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Travel Advice for Ladies

Costa Rica is an awesome place and well worth the visit

"I live in Paradise, but YOU need to watch your back"

Some precautions can make your vacation a beautiful memory.

"Knowledge is Power"

Some countries think that tourists have tons of money..
"So much money, so little time"

That being said, brings us to the main problem against tourists in Costa Rica.  Theft Of Opportunity .

"Hey Buddy, this is mine, not Yours"

This pertains to theft of personal belongings,
passports and travel documents.
These crimes seem to be increasing.  Violent crimes have also been reported, such as armed robberies and gang activity in bigger cities.
Personal attacks, sexual offenses and rapes have increased over the last few years.  Spiked drinks have been reported.  Don't leave your drinks unattended in bars or restaurants.

"We heard about your tricks"

Kidnapping called "Express Kidnapping" has occurred in Costa Rica.  This crime consists where victims are forced at gunpoint to withdraw money from ATMs.  The victims are selected at random and released once the robber has taken their money.

"Too many people know about me now"

Avoid hiking or visiting nature trails alone or with inexperienced guides.  Always use a guide that is affiliated with a reputable tour company.   Many people offer guide services but are not reputable and can put your life in danger.

"I shouldn't be here alone"

Avoid visiting the beaches alone or at night.  Stay with groups.


"Safety in Numbers Thing"

If staying in hostels, keep your belongings under lock and key.  Watch your belongings at all times and in all places.

Take official taxis.  There are unofficial taxis that have been involved with violence against tourists.

"I am Official"


I always say "Don't bring anything to Costa Rica that you can't live without.   Like jewelry

"Please leave me at home"

If you forget any of these tips, just remember  

"Yes, this works every time"

Visit Costa Rica with us.

These tips cover just some of the incidents.

Please watch the video for tips. 

 What is your opinion about this Post?

Have a story about an incident while traveling in Costa Rica?

Please share it..It could save some one's life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Plastic Surgery?... U.S. or Costa Rica?

What makes people look to other countries for medical care??  You got it.   


The root of all evil...

Costa Rica has been long sought after to have a little nick and tuck, or better known as “Plastic Surgery” 
We all hear of those horror stories of backroom butchering or unlicensed doctors leaving the patient permanently scarred or dead.  So what are some of the facts about Costa Rica and their quality of care?

What to do next???

Are our insurance companies beginning to catch on?  According to a study by the Competitiveness Ministry, the U.S. insurance companies are offering to chip in for travel packages. 
Nearly 13 percent of the medical tourists who visit Costa Rica seek cosmetic surgery procedures, while another 35 percent come for dental work, because the price in Costa Rica is sometimes a little as 1/3 the price of the same procedure done in the U.S.
My question and I am sure you have the same.  How safe and how do they compare with the U.S?   I found that three Costa Rican clinics have received certification that puts them on par with U.S. medical centers.  Accreditation of Ambulatory Facilities (AAAASF) has certified the private surgical and ambulatory center Clínica UNIBE, the dental clinic Dental Sonrisa Para Todos and plastic surgery specialists Cirugía Plástica Pino. 
Still do your research and come to your own conclusion before booking your trip to Costa Rica to have your make-over.  Leave me your comments or any experiences you have had during a procedure done in Costa Rica.  I would love to hear from you..
Want to visit Costa Rica with us??

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pharmacies in Costa Rica..U.S. needs to take heed.....

Most days here in La Fortuna, Costa Rica, people are awaiting for the Pharmacy to open at 8:00 a.m.
Most of them are the local Ticos, but also tourists that need various medications.  You know the kind I am referring to. I myself  have had the experience of using the pharmacy for a headache and here are some of the things I learned that I would like to pass on.
I only wanted to buy 1 pill (una pastilla).  The person attending to me was not a clerk..She was a doctor (doctora).  She asked me in Spanish if the headache was a migraine and I told her no.
She handed me 1 pastilla and a cup of water and watched me take the medicine.  I liked the fact one can buy 1 pill and you have a doctor on duty if you need something with a little more strength..  She watch me take the pill to make sure that I wasn't going to sell it because it was a little heavier than OTC.

Many drugs (like birth control pills, high cholesterol medication, migraine medicine, etc.) are available in Costa Rica without a prescription, and pharmacists can easily and accurately diagnose and treat many common problems.  If the doctor deems your case to be an emergency or further care, you will be directed to the nearest hospital. 
So you would change the motto "Run to the Doctor" to "Run to the Pharmacy and get things taken care of in 1 visit"... The U.S needs to take a look at what things are better for the people, instead of what lines the pockets of the already wealthy millionaires.

located in downtown La Fortuna before  opening for the day
 Visit Costa Rica with us...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Whether to rent a car or take the buses while visiting Costa Rica?.......................

I get questions all the time about how is the best way to travel while visiting Costa Rica.  I can only share my opinion and experience and some of the experiences told to me by travelers.  We all know (those that have done research on the Internet) that renting a car carries some cautions. Please just take to heart some of the scams and just be on alert.  I feel that the incidents reported are highly blown out of proportion.  I call them "Scare Tactics".  I am not saying that they don't exists, just that being aware of the possibilities put you way ahead of the game.
If you are not in a hurry and traveling with little or no luggage, the public bus can be an adventure.They make frequent stops for letting off and letting on customers.  The cost is very low and you can practice your Spanish with the locals while traveling.  Be sure to watch your luggage and if you fall asleep, be sure to have your money, passport, etc, in a place on your person that you would awake if someone attempted to pat you down..You decide where that place will be.  There is no a/ they drive really fast with the windows open.  So be prepared..  If you are not sure about riding the public bus, first try a short distance and then you will know if it's for you..
I personally like to travel using Private/Group transportation.  The vans have a/c, drive at reasonable speeds and have a scheduled stop for bathroom/drinks(non-alcoholic).  They keep to their schedules and are very helpful with your luggage.  I have used all the above modes of transportation and I like using the group transportation the best.

  If you wish to visit Costa Rica, come with us...